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The New Commoner

A broader form of capitalism called Proprietarianism offers wealth, enhanced lives and greater control of day-to-day living to common citizens. It offers the opportunity to build communities and relationships. The philosophy IS oriented toward business, but NOT necessarily big business. More "Mom & Pop" size businesses give more people more opportunities to conduct their own lives their own way.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Shop Talk

I've worked in places where the employee/employer relationship was adversarial and I've worked in places where the relationship was cooperative. I prefer the cooperative relationship. Places of employment with a truly cooperative style are, in my opinion, more relaxed and the atmosphere is much less stressful. It is also my experience that far more gets done with a lot more enthusiasm.
Of course, the employer has the final say in things in both styles, but reason and simple human understanding play a much greater part in the cooperative environment.

Union shops (and I've worked in some) are, by definition, adversarial. So are large work places. But not all non-union shops are cooperative work places. Sometimes you just end up working for a jerk.

Therefore, my ideal work environment is a small, non-union shop with supervisors who are inclined to appreciate and understand human beings. I generally do not stay long in places where I am subjected to mechanical relationships meant only to get a certain job done in a certain amount of time. Such places are often stressful and dehumanizing.

But, you say, "I can't just walk away from my job. My boss is a jerk, but I need the money." If you really and truly must remain in a job working for a jerk, then try to make the best of it. Perhaps you can build a real, functioning relationship with your superiors. If that doesn't help, maybe you are simply destined live the resigned, mundane existence of an indentured servant. I, for one, couldn't do it - I'd walk as soon as I was able. If I had to, and I have, I'd live on less rather than submit to the ego of a miniature Napoleon.

What say you?


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